Theres no such thing as bad weather...just bad clothing!
Here are our top 5 tips to stay motivated when its cold out there...
*Grab a buddy - makes it harder to let them down when its cold for them too! There are a few social running groups that are free around the burbs and closer to the CBD
*Wear layers - inc gloves!
*Have an awesome playlist, or guided run. Nike Run Club and Nike Training Club app has some inspiring (and free) resources.
*Don't look at BOM (Bureau of Meterology). It's usually wrong. It's 90% chance of raining somewhere in the state, a hat goes a long way!
*Treat yourself afterwards. A hot coffee/hot choccy, hot shower is great motivation.
If you can do it in winter, you can do it in summer! And it never rains on a Friday at 6am!